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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Java: Static Methods

Static methods / class methods are those methods which are a part of the class, but they don't need any object to be created. In each program, we have used a static method main(). So, being static, we don't need to create any object to call main method. It takes only one String argument.
public static void main(String args[])
So, why we need static methods. Sometimes, we have to add common functionality to the class but is not related to data fields. As static method belongs to a class, not to the object, it can access only static variables. And static methods can call only static methods. Let's see an example of static method.

Class StaticDemo (
public class StaticDemo {
    static String hello = "Hello";
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        StaticDemo sd = new StaticDemo();

    static void sayHello1 () {
        System.out.println("Say " + hello);

    void sayHello2 () {
        System.out.println("Say " + hello);
In above program, we have two methods in addition to main method - sayHello1 (static) and sayHello2 (non-static). You can see that the methods are called from main method which is a static method. Static method sayHello1 is called directly as it is static method and we don't need to create an object. But to call non-static method, we created an object of class StaticDemo and then call the method. Here is the output!!

Say Hello

Say Hello

As I mentioned above static methods are called class methods and non-static methods are called instance methods. Class methods vs Instance methods -
  • Instance methods can access both static / non-static methods and variables directly. But static methods can access only static (class) methods and static (class) variables directly.
  • Static methods don't use this keyword. As static method belongs to the class, not an object, it doesn't have any reference of an object to use this keyword.

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